Top "Gesturedetector" questions

A Flutter widget which detects different types of gestures.

Trouble with detecting gestures over ListView

I have an Activity that contains a ViewFlipper. The ViewFlipper includes 2 layouts, both of which are essentially just ListViews. So …

android listview gesture viewflipper gesturedetector
Set GestureDetector to all child views

I would like to add a GestureDetector to all views (view groups) of an activity without assigning it manually to …

android viewgroup gesturedetector onfling
How to make a View follow my finger using onScroll and GestureDetector - Android

I have a RelativeLayout with a TextView in the middle. I've got it to detect onFling, onDown, and onScroll events …

android textview gesturedetector onscroll
Android onTouchListener for entire dialog

I have a dialog to choose files from. This dialog contains a listview to show directories and files and has …

android dialog gesture gesturedetector onfling
RecyclerView ItemTouchHelper Action Drag Ended

I need to listen to the user when he stops drag and drop on my RecyclerView (when he drops the …

android android-recyclerview gesture gesturedetector