How can I detect tap on the screen?

Erik picture Erik · Jun 1, 2011 · Viewed 13.4k times · Source

More specific where do I attach OnGestureListener so that
I can detect onSingleTapUp everywhere on the screen,
even if an ImageView take up half the screen.

Now I have the Listener on the Activity that has an ImageView.
But the Listener only fire when I click outside the ImageView.

I read and try to understand this but cannot get it right.

this code is in the Activity.

 public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
    //addtext.setText("-" + "SINGLE TAP UP" + "-");
    //Log.d(TAG, "- + SINGLE TAP UP + - ***********************************************************************");  
    int btnsize = buttonSave.getHeight();
    int viewWidth = display.getWidth();
    int viewHeight = display.getHeight();

    if(e.getX()> (viewWidth*0.7)){
        Log.d(TAG, "RIGHT SIDE");
        if(e.getY()> viewHeight*0.7){         
            Log.d(TAG, "right down on screen");
        }else if(e.getY()> (viewHeight*0.45)){ 
            Log.d(TAG, "right middle on screen   ");
    if(e.getX()< (viewWidth*0.3)){
        Log.d(TAG, "LEFT SIDE");
        if(e.getY()> viewHeight*0.7){ 
            Log.d(TAG, "Left middle on screen  ");
        }else if(e.getY()> (viewHeight*0.45)){
            Log.d(TAG, "Left down on screen ");
    return true;


Sheharyar picture Sheharyar · Dec 22, 2014

Detect Screen Tap

I'm answering this for those who just need a simple way to detect a tap on the screen:

  1. Add an android:onClick value to your base/root layout (LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, etc.). You can call it anything you want, I'm naming it screenTapped as an example:

    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
  2. Add this method to your Activity using the same name you specified for onClick:

    public void screenTapped(View view) {
        // Your code here

Now, tapping on the screen will call the method above.