In Android's VideoView, is there any way to achieve the same effect as ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP?
That is, I want my VideoView to play the video such that it fills the entire screen without distortion. If the video aspect ratio does not exactly fit the screen's, then it should be cropped rather than distorted.
The following solution will fill the screen, but does not maintain the video's aspect ratio:
And this solution maintains the video's aspect ratio, but will not fill the entire screen (video is scaled until the longer side hits the screen's edge thereby introducing bars on the side):
Although it is too late, but it might help someone else looking for the same problem. The following answer maintains the aspect ratio(videoProportion). The extra part of the videoview is cropped by the Phone's view.
private void setDimension() {
// Adjust the size of the video
// so it fits on the screen
float videoProportion = getVideoProportion();
int screenWidth = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels;
int screenHeight = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels;
float screenProportion = (float) screenHeight / (float) screenWidth;
android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = videoView.getLayoutParams();
if (videoProportion < screenProportion) {
lp.height= screenHeight;
lp.width = (int) ((float) screenHeight / videoProportion);
} else {
lp.width = screenWidth;
lp.height = (int) ((float) screenWidth * videoProportion);
// This method gets the proportion of the video that you want to display.
// I already know this ratio since my video is hardcoded, you can get the
// height and width of your video and appropriately generate the proportion
// as :height/width
private float getVideoProportion(){
return 1.5f;