Top "Mediacontroller" questions

A MediaController is a view containing controls for a MediaPlayer.

how to create custom UI for android MediaController

I want to customize the controls in the MediaController for my video player. I want to swap out the image …

android android-video-player mediacontroller
How to put media controller button on notification bar?

I am creating a music player application. I want to show the media controller on notification bar while my application …

android mediacontroller android-music-player
Custom UI on exoplayer sample

** I really need help if you don't know anything don't give me a negative point :| if something bother you comment** …

android mediacontroller exoplayer
ExoPlayer and start / pause / seekTo commands

I am trying to use ExoPlayer, as opposed to MediaPlayer and I can't seem to figure it out... MediaPlayer has .…

android mp3 android-mediaplayer mediacontroller exoplayer
Event for VideoView playback state or MediaController play/pause

I cant seem to find an event that listens for playback state. I am mostly interested in the play/pause …

android playback mediacontroller
MediaController always show on Android

I am using mediacontroller in my app, but it shows only for 3 seconds. I have searched a lot, but in …

android mediacontroller
Keeping MediaController on the screen in a VideoView

I have trouble finding a way to keep the MediaController on the screen when using it with a VideoView. I …

android android-videoview mediacontroller
Android 4.1 - RTSP using VideoView and MediaController

Developing a simple app to play a RTSP stream on Android 4.1, but unable to do so Update I am able …

android android-videoview rtsp rtp mediacontroller
How to use a Seekbar in android as a seekBar as well as a progressBar simultaneously?

I intend to write a custom media controller for my app. I was planning to use seekbar to do both …

android progress-bar seekbar mediacontroller
How to re-position the MediaController?

I have been using mediaController for my app. By default, the Media Controller is displayed at the bottom of the …

android mediacontroller