The Android testing framework
I am attempting to decode a Base64 encoded string in Android using the…
java android unit-testing junit android-testingSo I am trying to write instrumentation tests using a custom build variant, mock. In this build variant I mocked …
android-studio android-testing android-espresso android-instrumentationIs it possible for the uiautomator to select a password EditText? I have no problem finding other EditText views by …
android ui-automation android-testing android-uiautomatorI've been writing tests with androids new espresso framework and find that it works well. One annoying thing (not particular …
android android-testing android-wake-lock android-espressoI've been looking for a way to test the UI of my Fragments separately (ie, independently from other fragments and …
android android-testing android-espresso android-uiautomatorI tried to add a unit test for my function which supports architecture components lifecycle event. To support lifecycle event, …
android android-testing android-architecture-components android-architecture-lifecycleI have an Android app where the main part of the app is the class where I make …
android robolectric android-testingIn Android Studio when I debug instrumentation test, the test won't stop on any breakpoint. Debugging unit tests works. I …
android android-studio mockito android-testing android-espressoIn my robolectric tests I am trying to read a file. Since this file contains just the test data I …
android robolectric android-testingGoogle provide new classes to write tests for Android, and especially using jUnit 4:…
android junit android-testing parameterized