Top "Android-testing" questions

The Android testing framework

How to switch/change testInstrumentationRunner dynamically with gradle

My project has 2 different groups of tests. One group runs only with the default AndroidJUnitRunner the other has to be …

android gradle android-gradle-plugin android-testing
How to test a specific Activity with Espresso?

I have only just started with testing in Android and this seems very basic but after much googling I still …

android android-testing android-espresso
Testing Snackbar show with Espresso

Is there a way to test using Espresso that the snackbar shows up with the right text? I have a …

android integration-testing android-testing android-espresso android-snackbar
How to test an IntentService with Robolectric?

I'm trying to test the onHandleIntent() method of an IntentService using Robolectric. I'm starting the service with: Activity activity = new …

android android-testing robolectric
Click by bounds / coordinates

I know it is possible for Espresso to click by bounds the way UiAutomator does. (x and y coordinates) I …

android android-testing android-espresso
Testing Notifications in Android

My android app has a service which sends notifications to user based on parameters like number of runs of the …

android android-testing android-uiautomator
Espresso - how to get current activity to test Fragments?

I have been playing around with Espresso tests for couple weeks now and I finally decided to start testing Fragments. …

android android-testing ui-testing android-espresso
AndroidTest folder doesn't show on AndroidStudio

I'm setting up Android app structure with Gradle and Android Studio and Espresso UI testing for a project. No matter …

android android-studio android-testing android-espresso
How can I run a single instrumentation test with Gradle Android

I'm trying to run the tests with this line... but this launches all tests: ./gradlew -DconnectedAndroidTest.single=LandingActivityTests connectedAndroidTest How …

android testing robotium android-testing
Gradle: No tests found

When I am trying to run Android tests by executing: ./gradlew connectedDebugAndroidTest The following error occurs:…

android android-gradle-plugin build.gradle android-testing