The Android testing framework
Switched to AndroidX and received deprecated: import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry. If I made next import: import…
android deprecated androidx android-testingI'm writing a UI test with Google Espresso for Android and I'm stuck on how to assert a TextView text, …
android android-testing android-espressoI have uploaded the Android App Bundle in Play console for Alpha testing but when I open the testing URL …
android android-testing android-app-bundle internal-app-sharingMy app consists of one Activity for many Fragments. I wish to use Espresso to test the UI of the …
android android-fragments android-testing android-espressoI am trying to access a button from a specific view. The same view is displayed 6 times. This is the …
android android-testing hamcrest android-espresso@Test public void test3_PaySuccessful(){ init(); ViewInteraction amountEditText = onView( allOf(withId(, isDisplayed())); amountEditText.perform(replaceText("SGD 0.010"), …
android animation android-testing android-espressoIn my test case I have to record for 1 hour, in robotium solo.sleep(600000) had done my work, but In …
android junit4 android-testing android-espressoI'm trying to write an Android activity instrumentation test that stops (onPause(), then onStop()) and restarts the current activity. I …
android testing android-testingHow to send/press Enter key from soft keyboard in Appium in Android Automation testing? I tried several options, but …
android selenium automation appium android-testingJust started to use Robolectric and it seems to be pretty much what I need. However, I've hit a bit …
java android android-testing robolectric