Top "Android-testing" questions

The Android testing framework

androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry is deprecated

Switched to AndroidX and received deprecated: import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry. If I made next import: import…

android deprecated androidx android-testing
Espresso - Asserting a TextView with async loaded data

I'm writing a UI test with Google Espresso for Android and I'm stuck on how to assert a TextView text, …

android android-testing android-espresso
How to Enable Internal App Sharing for Android?

I have uploaded the Android App Bundle in Play console for Alpha testing but when I open the testing URL …

android android-testing android-app-bundle internal-app-sharing
onChildView and hasSiblings with Espresso

I am trying to access a button from a specific view. The same view is displayed 6 times. This is the …

android android-testing hamcrest android-espresso
Espresso testing disable animation

@Test public void test3_PaySuccessful(){ init(); ViewInteraction amountEditText = onView( allOf(withId(, isDisplayed())); amountEditText.perform(replaceText("SGD 0.010"), …

android animation android-testing android-espresso
Espresso how to wait for some time(1 hour)?

In my test case I have to record for 1 hour, in robotium solo.sleep(600000) had done my work, but In …

android junit4 android-testing android-espresso
How to stop and restart an activity in an android instrumentation test?

I'm trying to write an Android activity instrumentation test that stops (onPause(), then onStop()) and restarts the current activity. I …

android testing android-testing
Enter "Enter key" in Appium Testing

How to send/press Enter key from soft keyboard in Appium in Android Automation testing? I tried several options, but …

android selenium automation appium android-testing
Providing test data for SharedPreferences for Robolectric

Just started to use Robolectric and it seems to be pretty much what I need. However, I've hit a bit …

java android android-testing robolectric