The Android testing framework
I 've got a Quiz app using Realm db. Every time the user selects an answer she clicks a button …
android android-testing android-espressoI am trying to click on a text in a list view using Espresso. I know they have this guide, …
android android-testing android-espressoI have an application that I want to release for $x amount to the public, however, I want to allow …
android google-play android-testingIn a project, in Android Studio, by default, there are two test folders. The first is src/androidTest. This folder …
android android-studio testing junit android-testingHow do you test GPS applications in Android? Can we test it using the Android emulator?
android testing gps android-testingIn my previous projects I've done most of the work through Activities and used ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 as per the document: http://…
android unit-testing android-fragments android-testingI'm new to testing world and even more to Android testing world. While doing research on Robolectric that aids with …
android gradle android-gradle-plugin robolectric android-testingI have to use Automated UI test tool and I am confused between using Robotium vs Google Espresso. What are …
android testing robotium android-testing android-espressoI want get text string shown in a textview in LinearLayout. can espresso do that? If not, is there other …
automated-tests android-testing android-espressoI'm new to android app development and I just made a note app. I want to do unit tests for …
android sqlite unit-testing android-sqlite android-testing