Top "Android-support-library" questions

The Android Support Library contains backported APIs from newer platforms and APIs that offer utility functionality.

SearchView on support.v7.appcompat library issue: default 9-patch background not renders properly

I'm developing an app with ActionBar using support.v7.appcompat library. The action bar works, the SearchView is shown, the …

android android-support-library searchview android-actionbar-compat
Android Floating Action Button Semi Transparent Background Color

I want to use FAB with semi transparent background color. But I am getting a FAB with two different colors. …

android xml android-support-library floating-action-button
How to inflate LinearLayout in a fragment?

I want to inflate a LinearLayout into a fragment in the "onCreateView" method. But I have always the same error: "…

android android-fragments android-linearlayout android-support-library inflate
Android Support Library ActionBar not Working in 2.3 Device

Hello friends i implemented ActionBar support Library with v7 Appcompact . I extend my Activity class with ActionBarActivity . Below is my …

android android-actionbar compatibility android-support-library searchview
What does ?attr/ mean on Android?

I am working on an example about Support Library and Toolbar, this is the code of the layout on the …

android android-layout material-design android-support-library android-theme
Cannot resolve method 'setShiftingMode(Boolean)' in BottomNavigationView

After upgrading to latest support library '28.0.0-alpha1' I cannot disable shifting mode in my BottomNavigationView i.e. the …

android android-support-library bottomnavigationview
how to set height of BottomSheet full parent?

I am trying to call BottomSheet using android-support-library 23.2 on Click of button. Its working fine but not taking full height. …

android android-layout material-design android-support-library android-support-design
NavigationView: how to insert divider without subgroup?

How I can put a divider without title Subgroup in the new NavigationView? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <…

android android-support-library divider navigationview android-navigationview
Android set transparent background for a fragment

In my app I have single activity and and all other fragments I am setting background for activity from style.…

android android-fragments android-activity android-support-library android-theme
AndroidX build issue with ProGuard

CLOSED We are trying to integrate android library (which is compiling android support library) in our project that has been …

android android-support-library androidx