The Android Support Library contains backported APIs from newer platforms and APIs that offer utility functionality.
I'm developing an app with ActionBar using support.v7.appcompat library. The action bar works, the SearchView is shown, the …
android android-support-library searchview android-actionbar-compatI want to use FAB with semi transparent background color. But I am getting a FAB with two different colors. …
android xml android-support-library floating-action-buttonI want to inflate a LinearLayout into a fragment in the "onCreateView" method. But I have always the same error: "…
android android-fragments android-linearlayout android-support-library inflateHello friends i implemented ActionBar support Library with v7 Appcompact . I extend my Activity class with ActionBarActivity . Below is my …
android android-actionbar compatibility android-support-library searchviewI am working on an example about Support Library and Toolbar, this is the code of the layout on the …
android android-layout material-design android-support-library android-themeAfter upgrading to latest support library '28.0.0-alpha1' I cannot disable shifting mode in my BottomNavigationView i.e. the …
android android-support-library bottomnavigationviewI am trying to call BottomSheet using android-support-library 23.2 on Click of button. Its working fine but not taking full height. …
android android-layout material-design android-support-library android-support-designHow I can put a divider without title Subgroup in the new NavigationView? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <…
android android-support-library divider navigationview android-navigationviewIn my app I have single activity and and all other fragments I am setting background for activity from style.…
android android-fragments android-activity android-support-library android-themeCLOSED We are trying to integrate android library (which is compiling android support library) in our project that has been …
android android-support-library androidx