The Android Support Library contains backported APIs from newer platforms and APIs that offer utility functionality.
I want to create a toolbar like the following image as proposed in the material design guidelines: I can achieve …
android material-design android-support-library android-appcompat android-cardviewI am creating a searchview in the toolbar using onCreateOptionsMenu, but can't get the clear X button to initially be …
android android-support-library searchviewI am using the DrawableCompat for tinting drawable as below, tinting doesn't seem to be working on API 19. I am …
android android-support-library android-drawableI have simple FrameLayout with support CardView as first item, and TextView as second, so TextView must be on top …
android xml android-5.0-lollipop android-support-library android-cardviewI want to support at least api 10, I want to be able to style my preferences nicely, I want to …
android android-support-library android-appcompat android-preferencesI am using the Support library's DrawerLayout in my app. I noticed that, when I click on an empty area …
android android-support-library drawerlayoutWhat is the difference between an AppCompat view component and a standard/default view component? For example, the difference between …
android android-view android-support-library android-appcompatI have an old project that supports multi-languages. I want to upgrade support library and target platform, Before migrating to …
android android-activity android-support-library androidxWhen using the Android support library for compatibility and try to view the javadoc for, say, FragmentTransaction, I get the …
android javadoc android-support-libraryI want to use Face Unlock as a second factor for my app, since most of my users will not …
android security android-support-library password-protection face-recognition