The Android Support Library contains backported APIs from newer platforms and APIs that offer utility functionality.
I'm learning Material Design, in particular I want to customize my app with Material Design also for the older Android …
android android-support-library material-design color-paletteAfter importing an Eclipse ADT project into Android Studio, I'm seeing these errors: Error:(28, 34) error: package does …
android android-studio dependencies android-support-library eclipse-adtHi I've got new v7 support library with appcompat actionbar and when I want to extend from ActionBarActivity as documented …
android android-support-library android-actionbar-compatI'm migrating my dependencies for an Android P test to the androidx dependencies. For some not very clear reasons my …
android android-support-library android-databinding androidx android-architectureI'm using the new vector drawable support in Support Lib v23.2 with app:srcCompat & trying to set its drawable …
android android-support-library android-databindingI'm using ActionBarSherlock and ViewPageIndicator and I tried to implement nested fragments, but the method getChildFragmentManager() is undefined in myandroid.…
android android-fragments android-support-library android-nested-fragmentI am using TextInputLayout with the design support library 22.2.1. I set the value of the EditText programmatically, and when the …
android material-design android-support-library android-textinputlayout android-support-designI am trying to implement Bottom sheet in one of my activities and I am kind of confused by the …
android android-support-library bottom-sheetI tried Google Support Library BottomNavigationView with a Framelayout for my Fragments . Here are my code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="…
android android-support-library android-coordinatorlayout bottomnavigationviewI am using lottie library for react native. I just installed it using npm and linked it using react native …
android react-native android-support-library android-appcompat lottie