Top "Android-support-library" questions

The Android Support Library contains backported APIs from newer platforms and APIs that offer utility functionality.

AppCompat 23.2 use VectorDrawableCompat with RemoteViews (AppWidget) on API<21

I have an AppWidget and I'd like to use VectorDrawables in it also on pre-Lollipop devices. VectorDrawableCompat won't work with …

android android-support-library android-appcompat remoteview android-vectordrawable
How to adjust the swipe down distance in SwipeRefreshLayout?

I implemented SwipeRefreshLayout in my app. I need to change the height which has to be scrolled down to call …

android android-support-library swiperefreshlayout
Android DialogFragment onViewCreated not called

I am using android compatibility library (v4 revision 8). In the custom DialogFragment the overrided method onViewCreated is not getting called.…

android android-support-library android-dialogfragment
How to define v7 appcompat dependency correctly?

I'm trying to get an (inherited) Android project to build. I'm using Ant & command line tools (and IDEA). In …

android ant android-support-library android-build
CoordinatorLayout ignores margins for views with anchor

Given I'm using a layout like this: < android:id="@+id/main_content" xmlns:android="…

android android-support-library androiddesignsupport
NotificationCompat.Builder setLargeIcon() not working?

When I add the code mNotificationBuilder.setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource( getResources(), R.drawable.ic_large_icon)); to my notification it stops …

android android-support-library android-notifications
This class should be public (

I am trying to create a Android Application which uses 3 spinners. I keep getting this error and I can't figure …

android class public android-support-library
How to position below the lowest of two views in ConstraintLayout?

I have two header views, HeaderViewA and HeaderViewB. These views can have any combination of visibility visible or gone. I …

android android-layout android-support-library android-constraintlayout
Android CollapsingToolbarLayout with custom View

I'm following the Cheesesquare example project to understand the new design material library. I'm wondering if there's a way to …

android android-support-library material-design android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
Android Proguard configuration for the v7 Support Library ActionBar

I'm using the v7 Support Library to show an ActionBar on Android 2.x. It works well enough but I had …

android proguard android-support-library