Android CollapsingToolbarLayout with custom View

CeccoCQ picture CeccoCQ · Jun 17, 2015 · Viewed 19.9k times · Source

I'm following the Cheesesquare example project to understand the new design material library.

I'm wondering if there's a way to use a custom view (like Telegram) with ImageView, title and subtitle instead of the simple Title provided by CollapsingToolbarLayout widget.



Ciron picture Ciron · Sep 1, 2015

I had the same problem and spend many hours trying to find a solution. My solution was to add the collapsing Views (ImageView and TextView) inside the CollapsingToolbarLayout and then handle the transition in code. This way it's more flexible and simpler than extending from CollapsingToolbarLayout.

First you'll need to add your Views inside the CollapsingToolbarLayout with the parallax properties:

            app:layout_collapseParallaxMultiplier="0.8"/> //set vertical transition here

Then set the scaling of the Views with the help of an OnOffsetchangeListner:

  private static final float SCALE_MINIMUM=0.5f;
  appBarLayout.setOnWorkingOffsetChange(new  ControllableAppBarLayout.OnWorkingOffsetChange() {
        public void onOffsetChange(int offSet, float collapseDistance) {
            imageView.setScaleX(1 + (collapseDistance * SCALE_MINIMUM));
            imageView.setScaleY(1 + (collapseDistance * SCALE_MINIMUM));

            textView.setScaleX(1 + (collapseDistance * SCALE_MINIMUM));
            textView.setScaleY(1 + (collapseDistance * SCALE_MINIMUM));

            // You can also setTransitionY/X, setAlpha, setColor etc.

Somehow the default offsetChangedListener didn't work properly for me (you probably still should try it with the default listener first), so I used the ControllableAppBarLayout from and added the following:

private OnWorkingOffsetChange onWorkingOffsetChange;

public void onOffsetChanged(AppBarLayout appBarLayout, int i) {
    if (!isInEditMode()) {
        onWorkingOffsetChange.onOffsetChange(i, (float) i / appBarLayout.getTotalScrollRange());

public void setOnWorkingOffsetChange(OnWorkingOffsetChange listener) {
    this.onWorkingOffsetChange = listener;

public interface OnWorkingOffsetChange {
    void onOffsetChange(int offSet, float collapseDistance);

The only problem is, that you would need to set app:contentScrim="#00000000" (transparent) for your CollapsingToolbarLayout, so your views are still visible when the toolbar is collapsed. If you really need the collapsing-background effect I'm sure you could "fake" this by setting the alpha of a background ImageView in the OffsetChangeListener. ;)