Top "Android-dialogfragment" questions

DialogFragment is a fragment that displays a dialog window, floating on top of its activity's window.

How to create a Custom Dialog box in android?

I want to create a custom dialog box like below I have tried the following things. I created a subclass …

android android-dialogfragment android-dialog
How to prevent a dialog from closing when a button is clicked

I have a dialog with EditText for input. When I click the "yes" button on dialog, it will validate the …

android dialog android-alertdialog android-dialog android-dialogfragment
How to set DialogFragment's width and height?

Let's say I specify the layout of my DialogFragment in an xml layout file named my_dialog_fragment.xml and …

android-dialogfragment android-dialog
Full Screen DialogFragment in Android

I'm trying to show an almost fullscreen DialogFragment. But I'm somehow not able to do so. The way I am …

android android-dialogfragment
Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment

Question: How does one create a callback from a DialogFragment to another Fragment. In my case, the Activity involved should …

android android-fragments callback android-dialogfragment
Android DialogFragment vs Dialog

Google recommends that we use DialogFragment instead of a simple Dialog by using Fragments API, but it is absurd to …

android android-fragments android-dialog android-dialogfragment
Show dialog from fragment?

I have some fragments that need to show a regular dialog. On these dialogs the user can choose a yes/…

android android-dialogfragment android-dialog
How to correctly dismiss a DialogFragment?

The docs say this for the dismiss() method from the Dialog class: Dismiss this dialog, removing it from the screen. …

android android-dialogfragment
passing argument to DialogFragment

I need to pass some variables to DialogFragment, so I can perform an action. Eclipse suggests that I should use …

android android-dialogfragment
getSupportFragmentManager() is undefined

I'm getting the following error: "The method getSupportFragmentManager() is undefined for the type new View.OnClickListener(){}" in my fragment file …

android android-fragments actionbarsherlock android-dialogfragment