LinearLayout is one of the basic layouts in Android.
I have the following LinearLayout. What I don't understand is if I set the background to another image, the padding …
android background padding android-linearlayout<LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_…
android android-linearlayout vertical-alignment gravity layout-gravityI'm trying to center an edittext vertically and horizontally in a linear layout, but it is not working. Very simple …
android android-edittext android-linearlayout gravitySimple scenario - ScrollView hosting a single LinearLayout which has several children - the preferred pattern to allow a scroll …
android scrollview android-linearlayout onscrolllistenerI am creating TextViews in LinearLayout programmatically and I would like to separate them with a divider (just a simple …
android android-linearlayout dividerI have two views in a linear layout, I programmatically change their layout_weight property. Is there a way I …
android android-layout android-linearlayout android-animationI've set a View.OnTouchListener on a parent layout, but it doesn't appear to work. Here is the XML for …
android android-layout android-listview android-linearlayout android-gestureI need to set different layout weights for different screen size devices and I want to pass the values from …
android android-layout android-linearlayoutLinearLayout doesn't fill the parent. I need to fill all elements by width. Here is a photo that is showing …
android android-linearlayout fill-parentMay I know how I can change the color of divider in LinearLayout? <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" …
android android-linearlayout nine-patch