Top "Fill-parent" questions

FILL_PARENT (renamed MATCH_PARENT starting Android API Level 8), is a constant describing that a view would like to be as big as its parent (minus any padding).

Android 3 - Adding a Fragment to a LinearLayout: fill_parent does not work

I am trying to add a fragment programmatically to a LinearLayout, but the fragment does not stretch its content across …

android android-3.0-honeycomb android-fragments fill-parent
Is there a way to fill parent minus a fixed number in Android RelativeLayout?

I have an ImageButton that I want to fill its parent RelativeLayout container for its width but minus a few …

android android-relativelayout android-imagebutton fill-parent
Scaling an image to max available width, keeping aspect ratio and avoiding ImageView extra space

I have this simple layout XML, and a green_square.png file which is 30X30 pixels <?xml version="1.0" encoding="…

android layout scale fill-parent
Child of RelativeLayout is not filling the height of the RelativeLayout

I have a ListView which gets populated with RelativeLayouts. The content of these RelativeLayouts can change and thus change their …

android layout fill-parent
Programmatically using MATCH_PARENT for a RelativeLayout inside a FrameLayout

I'm subclassing HorizontalScrollView (which is a FrameLayout) and adding a RelativeLayout to it programmatically. The FrameLayout correctly fills the parent …

android android-layout android-relativelayout android-framelayout fill-parent
Set AdMob banner to match parent width by XML

I'm trying to set AdMob banner ad to match it's parent width. I tried as sample: <…

android admob match fill-parent
How can I use layout_width using resource file?

There are a activity what I want to fill the screen in a phone and pop up(dialog) for a …

android resources fill-parent
Android - EditText multiline forced to fill height

I need a EditText that fills in height my window. I'm using this: <ScrollView xmlns:android="…

android android-edittext scrollview multiline fill-parent
Why EditText is not expanding to fill_parent

I have written an XML code, where I want the EditText to be expanded to fit the parent width. After …

android android-edittext fill-parent
LinearLayout doesn't fill the parent

LinearLayout doesn't fill the parent. I need to fill all elements by width. Here is a photo that is showing …

android android-linearlayout fill-parent