Top "Android-linearlayout" questions

LinearLayout is one of the basic layouts in Android.

Trying to get Android LinearLayout to stretch horizontally and vertically

UPDATE: I appreciate the advice to use GridView, and I do believe that would provide better performance. However, my initial …

android xml layout android-linearlayout stretch
Receive a long press/click on a linear layout in android?

I'm painfully new to android and I've run into a wall. I'm trying get a linear layout to function more …

android-layout android-widget android-linearlayout onlongclicklistener long-click
Is it fine to use LinearLayout instead of FrameLayout?

I am building an application with one Activity MainActivity which consists of two fragments. And I came across with many …

android android-layout android-linearlayout android-framelayout
Capturing LinearLayout onClick events with ImageButton inside it

I have an ImageButton and a TextView wrapped in a LinearLayout like this: <LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_…

android android-linearlayout imagebutton onclicklistener
Android Emulator doesn't Scroll down

I am creating a layout as follows and when I emulate it in the AVD. It doesn't Scroll down to …

android android-layout scroll tablelayout android-linearlayout
Android set max width in percentage of a TextView in LinearLayout of vertical orientation

I'd like to set the layout_weight of the TextView with the tv_long_text to 80% in the following LinearLayout …

android android-linearlayout android-layout-weight
Start two animation in the same Layout

Im trying to do an alpha and translate in a RelativeLayout. I define both: AlphaAnimation alpha; alpha = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0…

android android-linearlayout alpha translate-animation
How to align two TextViews within LinearLayout cell?

I have a vertical list (vertical LinearLayout). Within Each cell I have two EditText fields, next to each other. The …

android android-linearlayout textview android-gridlayout
Gravity in LinearLayout - android?

I created bellow Layout : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="…

android-layout android-linearlayout android-gravity