Top "Android-gridlayout" questions

GridLayout is one of Android's ViewGroup subclasses that places its children in a rectangular grid.

GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly

I want to have a 2x2 grid with a buttons inside. This is only ICS so I am trying to …

android android-layout android-gridview android-gridlayout
GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe

The Android Developers Blog post introducing GridLayout shows this diagram of how spans impact automatic index allocation: I am attempting …

android android-gridlayout
RecyclerView GridLayoutManager: how to auto-detect span count?

Using the new GridLayoutManager: It takes an explicit span …

android android-recyclerview android-gridlayout gridlayoutmanager
GridLayout Column width

I have 2 columns in my GridLayout. What I want to do is make those columns take up half of the …

android android-layout android-gridlayout
GridLayoutManager - how to auto fit columns?

I have a RecyclerView with a GridLayoutManager that displays Card Views. I want the cards to rearrange according to the …

android layout xamarin android-recyclerview android-gridlayout
Changing number of columns with GridLayoutManager and RecyclerView

Inside my fragment I'm setting my GridLayout in the following way: mRecycler.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(rootView.getContext(), 2)); So, I just …

android android-orientation android-gridlayout android-recyclerview
Android GridLayout center horizontally

I'm trying to create a GridLayout with 2 columns which will be centered. My avtual design is: <GridLayout xmlns:android="…

android android-gridlayout
Android - Difference between Gridlayout and Staggered Gridlayout

I am working in android material design api & want to display some data in grid format. I tried both …

android android-layout android-gridlayout staggeredgridlayout
Android: GridLayout spacing between items

I have a grid layout which is filled with buttons, now i want the buttons to be more distant from …

android android-gridlayout
Android GridLayout Equal Column Widths

Is it really not possible to easily force equal column widths in an Android GridLayout? Trying the obvious layout... <…

android layout android-gridlayout