Top "Android-linearlayout" questions

LinearLayout is one of the basic layouts in Android.

Cursor is not visible in EditText when view is dynamically added

I have a TableLayout and dynamically view is added in the layout. Whenever layout has a EditText cursor is not …

android android-layout android-linearlayout android-tablelayout
How to divide layout to 3 parts?

I'm trying to divide my layout to 3 equal rows, trying to use LinearLayout and weights, but it doesn't work, it …

android android-linearlayout android-layout-weight
Android Horizontal LinearLayout - Wrap Elements

I have a horizontal linear layout that contains textviews generated dynamically, the problem I'm experiencing is that the textviews are …

java android android-linearlayout textview word-wrap
ClassCastException LinearLayout LayoutParams

I got an Actionbar and some Fragments. The Problem is my Homescreen. There is an overview Fragment on the left …

android android-linearlayout classcastexception android-framelayout
How to programatically add LinearLayout with background color, and weight to another layout

I have LinearLayout in xml: <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/progress" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="@dimen/…

android android-layout android-linearlayout layoutparams
Android: ClassCastException when adding a header view to ExpandableListView

I'm trying to add a header to an ExpandableListView like so: headerView = View.inflate(this, R.layout.header, null); expandableListView.…

android android-linearlayout expandablelistview classcastexception
match_parent not performing as expected

I imagine this should be a fairly easy one to answer, if you understand XML Layouts better than I do …

android android-linearlayout android-xml xml-layout
Android Google Login Button and Facebook sdk 4+ Button Layout

I Am developing an application which use google and facebook integration ...I want to fix height and width of those …

android facebook google-plus android-linearlayout android-facebook
Make linear layout selectable like a list item in a list view (Android)

I know how to add an onClick listener to a LinearLayout to make the whole layout a click target, but …

android listview user-interface android-linearlayout
What unit of measure does LayoutParams use?

pI am working with a linear layout and want to set the maximum height of the view. Under "normal" circumstances, …

android android-linearlayout layoutparams