Top "Android-dialog" questions

Base class for Dialogs.

Create a custom dialog with radio buttons list

I've got a method in which i have a list of values: /** * ISO * */ public void getISO(View view) { // Open dialog …

java android android-listview android-dialog
Adding positive / negative Button to DialogFragment's Dialog

I've already written a DialogFragment. Now I've realized that I want it to have a positive and a negative button …

android android-dialog android-dialogfragment
Can't make the custom DialogFragment transparent over the Fragment

I need to create a dialog over a fragment (that takes up the whole screen). The dialog needs to be …

android android-layout android-fragments android-dialog android-dialogfragment
Change background of ProgressDialog

I am trying to change the background of a ProgressDialog. I searched the net and found various suggestions (like How …

android android-layout android-dialog
Customizing dialog by extending Dialog or AlertDialog

I want to make a custom Dialog. Because I don't like its style, I want to have rounded rectangle rather …

android customization android-dialog android-theme
Remove black background on custom dialog

I want to remove the black background on custom dialog as shown in the picture. I'm sure the black background …

android android-alertdialog android-dialog android-styles
Android close custom dialog

I am trying to get the custom dialog to close on button press //set up dialog Dialog dialog = new Dialog(…

android android-dialogfragment android-dialog
How to display progress dialog before starting an activity in Android?

How do you display a progress dialog before starting an activity (i.e., while the activity is loading some data) …

android android-activity progressdialog android-progressbar android-dialog
How do I fire an event when click occurs outside a dialog

I would like to know how to solve a problem I've got. I have a Dialog which pops up in …

android android-dialog
How do I maintain the Immersive Mode in Dialogs?

How do I maintain the new Immersive Mode when my activities display a custom Dialog? I am using the code …

android dialog android-activity android-dialog android-4.4-kitkat