How do I fire an event when click occurs outside a dialog

fizo07 picture fizo07 · Mar 1, 2012 · Viewed 32.1k times · Source

I would like to know how to solve a problem I've got.

I have a Dialog which pops up in an activity. The Dialog doesn't cover the whole screen, so the buttons from the activity still show. I can easily close the dialog when there is a touch outside the dialog's bounds with dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true);

However what I want to do is fire an event if a click is outside the Dialog's bounds (e.g if someone touches a button on the main Activity, it should close the Dialog and fire that event at the same time).


Will Neithan picture Will Neithan · Feb 25, 2015

When dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true); then you just override onCancel() like this:

        new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
            public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                //When you touch outside of dialog bounds, 
                //the dialog gets canceled and this method executes.

Type your code inside the onCancel() method so it runs when the dialog gets canceled.