Top "Android-dialog" questions

Base class for Dialogs.

findViewById() returns null for Views in a Dialog

The problem is, no matter where or how I call for this layout's components, they always return null. setView(inflater.…

android nullpointerexception android-resources android-dialog findviewbyid
The method showDialog(int) from the type Activity is deprecated in android?

The method showDialog(int) from the type Activity is deprecated. What's the reason? and how to solve it?

android dialog android-dialog
Android creating AlertDialog using values from ArrayList?

I am using following code to create a Dialog aleart box with lists item from studentNames ArrayList.I am creating …

android android-listview android-dialog android-adapter
AlertDialog with positive button and validating custom EditText

I have created simple AlertDialog with positive and negative buttons. Positive button has registered DialogInterface.OnClickListener, where I get EditText …

android android-dialog
Android: Display custom dialog in center of the container

How to display custom dialog as a center of the container? Dialog customdialog = new Dialog(this,…

android android-dialog
How to add TextView and EditText using default AlertDialog programmatically

I've been trying to add two elements in a default AlertDialog but I can't seem to make it work. Here's …

android android-edittext textview android-alertdialog android-dialog
Android: How to override onBackPressed() in AlertDialog?

I have an AlertDialog dlgDetails which is shown from another AlertDialog dlgMenu. I would like to be able to show …

android overriding android-dialog
Android 6.0 Dialog text doesn't appear

I updated my phone to Android 6.0 and I have these 2 problems with dialogs: 1)The title is shown but the messages …

android android-alertdialog android-dialogfragment android-dialog android-6.0-marshmallow
Proper way of dismissing DialogFragment while application is in background

I started using DialogFragment, because they are working nicely through orientation changes, and stuff. But there is nasty problem I …

android android-fragments android-dialog android-dialogfragment
How do you create a transparent activity that can overlay the home screen but is not dismissed when the home or back button is pressed?

In my app I'm looking to show an always-visible, semi-transparent status but am having a hard time figuring out how …

android android-activity android-dialog