Top "Android-dialog" questions

Base class for Dialogs.

AlertDialog: How To Remove Black Borders Above and Below View

This question has been asked before: AlertDialog custom title has black border But was not answered satisfactorily - and is …

android android-layout android-dialog
How can I close a ProgressDialog after a set time?

I am trying to close a ProgressDialog box automatically after 3 seconds. Here is the dialog: ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(this); …

android android-studio android-dialog
How to disable BottomSheetDialogFragment dragging

How to disable BottomSheetDialogFragment dragging by finger? I saw similar questions, but they're all about BottomSheet not BottomSheetDialogFragment.

android android-layout android-view android-dialog bottom-sheet
Android: indeterminate horizontal progress (dialog) bar

What's the best way to create an indeterminate, horizontal progress bar? If i do this, dialog.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL); …

android android-dialog android-progressbar
AlertDialog with selector

I am trying to do a Dialog with a selector that looks exactly like this: I've tried using an AlertDialog …

android android-alertdialog android-dialog
Custom checkbox style in dialog

I'm constructing a dialog with multi-choice items (checkboxes): AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setMultiChoiceItems(arrayResource, selectedItems, new …

android checkbox android-dialog android-theme android-styles
What is the difference between PopUpWindow and Dialog?

Basically the question is stated in the title. Any preferences in using one or another? Maybe some specific tasks where …

android android-dialog
How to remove transparent dark background outside of dialog box

I want to remove a transparent dark backgrond outside of dialog box. I tried with: final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(…

android android-dialog
Custom Dialog size to match Theme.Holo.Light.Dialog

If I have an Activity that has it's theme set to Theme.Holo.Light.Dialog, it will scale great. It …

android android-layout dialog android-xml android-dialog
How to get dialog size?

I am looking for a way to get size of a custom dialog. I went through this question, but the …

java android dialog android-dialog