Top "Android-contacts" questions

Content related to Android's Contacts APIs

Read all contacts' phone numbers in android

I'm using this code to retrieve all contact names and phone numbers: String[] projection = new String[] { People.NAME, People.NUMBER }; …

android contacts android-contacts phone-number
How to send and receive SMS from android app?

I want to add sms sending feature in my app and also want option in which user can select the …

android sms android-contacts
In which format the contacts are stored in android?

I want to know in which format the contact details are stored in android mobile or emulator.If any body …

android android-contacts
Android: Retrieve contact name from phone number

I would like to retrieve the name of a contact associated with an incoming telephone number. As I process the …

android android-contacts phone-number contactscontract
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app

i want to pick a contact with it's number from my contacts list. i read a lot of solutions and …

android android-contacts
onActivityResult For Fragment

I currently have a base activity which is hosting a single fragment. Inside the fragment I have a method which …

java android android-intent android-fragments android-contacts
permission.READ_CONTACTS does not seem to work

I'm working on a simple app that browses through the user's contacts. Unfortunately I keep getting the following error: java.…

android permissions android-contacts
How to check if a cursor is empty?

When I'm trying to get the phone numbers from the contact list of the phone. The problem is, when I'm …

android cursor android-contacts
Android get all contacts telephone number in ArrayList

I am trying to save all contacts telephone numbers in an ArrayList but I cant find a way how. Is …

java android android-contacts phone-number