Top "Android-contacts" questions

Content related to Android's Contacts APIs

Fetch Contacts in android application

I was following these links to get the contacts in my application How to call Android contacts list? http://www.…

android android-contacts
How to get Specific Contact Number by using Contact Id

Here my Contact names are Displayed on List View . By clicking the List I get ContactName and Contact Id. From …

android android-contacts android-cursor
Can I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query()? (LEFT JOIN and CASE)

I am looking to perform the following query (in pseudo-code) on Android: SELECT C.ID, C.NAME, CASE ISNULL(G.…

android sql left-join android-contacts android-contentresolver
How to create a contact programmatically

Possible Duplicate: How to add new contacts in android public boolean createContact(String name, String number, String email) { boolean success = …

android contacts contact android-contacts contactscontract
Pick contact directly from contact picker intent

Hello I want to pick a contact from our default contact book intent. I tried several ways to do it. …

android android-intent android-contacts android-implicit-intent contactpicker
Android - Get UserData using AccountManager / First and Last name of the phone owner

I want to prepopulate some of the fields in my application to help out user when he is subscribing for …

android android-contacts
Android Contacts provider get only phone contacts with all emails

I need to get all phone contacts and their email address and photo uri: This is what am doing: private …

android performance android-contentprovider android-contacts android-contentresolver
Android: Manage contacts with lookup key

I'm currently writing a application that allows to save drafts (using android version >= 2.0). Each draft is connected to a …

android android-contacts
How to update existing contact?

I have one existing contact, I need to add a work address to that existing contact. I am using the …

android contacts android-contacts android-cursor
What does COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC stand for?

private Cursor getContacts() { // Run query Uri uri = ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI; String[] projection = new String[] { ContactsContract.Contacts._ID, ContactsContract.Contacts.…

java android sqlite android-contacts