Top "Android-contacts" questions

Content related to Android's Contacts APIs

Selecting a number from user with multiple numbers when using the contact picker

I'm trying to allow a user to select a phone number from a contact using the contact picker. However, right …

android android-contacts phone-number picker contactscontract
Query Android contact to get ACCOUNT_TYPE and ACCOUNT_NAME

I am able to obtain a list of contacts and their basic information like: name. phones, emails, ims, notes, organizations …

android android-contacts contactscontract rawcontacts
how to select unique contacts from android

i want to select unique contacts from android only that contacts which have phone numbers. i am using this code …

android contacts android-contentprovider android-contacts android-cursor
Broadcast on contact add/change?

Is there any standard broadcast intent that I can register a BroadcastReceiver for that gets triggered whenever a contact is …

android broadcastreceiver android-contacts