Top "Android-contacts" questions

Content related to Android's Contacts APIs

Get first and last name of a contact rather than single display name?

I am currently working with the Android Contacts content provider and currently can access a contacts full display name without …

android cursor android-contacts contactscontract
How to listen contact inserted/updated/deleted in address book

There are lots of questions related to it but none of them help me to get the solution. I am …

android sync android-contacts contentobserver
Android - Contact from number with Country Code

When retrieving a mobile number from an incoming sms it has the country code appended to it. Now as the …

java android sql android-contacts
Modifying contact information

I'm trying to insert and update a piece of information on an existing contact so I've created a sample application …

android android-contacts contactscontract
How to avoid duplicate contact name (data ) while loading contact info to listview?

I am populating contact list details to list view successfully. My code: String order = ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME + " ASC"; …

android android-contacts
Cannot insert android contacts programmatically into android device

ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops =new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>(); ops.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI) .withValue(Data.…

android android-contacts contactscontract
Android Get Contact Picture from Call Log

It was pretty easy to get the Contact picture when querying the People.CONTENT_URI, with a simple People.loadContactPhoto(…

android contacts android-contacts calllog
Displaying contacts only with phone numbers using ACTION_PICK intent in Android device

My goal is to only display contacts with phone number to user and let user select few contacts which I …

android android-contacts contactscontract
Group By in ContentResolver in Ice Cream Sandwich

I am making a query on the Android Contacts ContentProvider. I need a Group By clause. In Gingerbread and Honeycomb, …

android group-by android-contentprovider android-contacts
Edit name/phone number of contact programmatically

I am trying to modify displayed name of a contact programmatically: try { ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops = new ArrayList<…

android android-contacts contactscontract android-contentresolver