Top "Android-calendar" questions

The Calendar Provider is a repository for a user's calendar events.

How to get national holidays of selected country

I'm writing an app that allows the user to select a country from a list. When they pick a country, …

android calendar google-calendar-api android-calendar
Problem with Calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR)

I am trying to display in a TextView when my application last updated (e.g., "Last updated at 12:13). I am …

android calendar android-calendar
Using Android Calendar to get the current time

I'm trying to get the current time (HH:MM:SEC:MILLISEC) in an android app. I'm using this piece of …

java android date time android-calendar
Is there any way to dynamically change an app icon like Calendar app does?

I wanna create an Android application, and I want to dynamically and automatically update the app icon similarly to how …

android dynamic icons android-calendar
Call requires API level 24(current minimum is 12)

I am making a simple alarm app. Wherever I am using Calendar class it's showing an error same as title. …

android android-calendar
Changing the color of selected dates in android's CalendarView widget

How do i change the color of the selected day in the CalendarView widget provided by android. I don't seem …

android android-layout android-custom-view android-calendar calendarview
Source code for new Android Lollipop Calendar app

Does anyone know where I can find the source code for the updated Android Calendar app that is present in 5.0? …

android android-viewpager android-calendar
How can I add event to the calendar automatically?

How can i add event to the calendar automatically? If I use this source code, it opens Calendar with filled …

android android-intent android-emulator calendar android-calendar
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad class: class java.util.GregorianCalendar

I received this exception while using GregorianCalendar java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad class: class java.util.GregorianCalendar Who know how to …

android calendar android-calendar gregorian-calendar
Calender.getInstance() gives error in Android Studio

I'm trying to pop-open a DatePicker dialogue box when my EditText is clicked. The problem is, when I try to …

java android android-calendar android-datepicker