Changing the color of selected dates in android's CalendarView widget

Vinay Potluri picture Vinay Potluri · Jul 19, 2014 · Viewed 23.9k times · Source

How do i change the color of the selected day in the CalendarView widget provided by android. I don't seem to find any way in the documentation.

I can change the VerticalBars using setSelectedDateVerticalBar attribute but I want to set a background color like the one shown in this pic. enter image description here

I want to set the color and appearance like the one on the left but all I can get is the one on the right. Is the CalendarView library so poorly built?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Kevin Michael picture Kevin Michael · Nov 23, 2014

There is no way to do what you are trying to achieve currently. The Calendar View is very limited in its functionality.

See this: Change CalendarView style