Top "Android-calendar" questions

The Calendar Provider is a repository for a user's calendar events.

Android CalendarView for Showing Events

I want to show a calendar with events using different colors on the date similar to default Calendar application. But …

android android-calendar calendarview
Change CalendarView style

I'm trying to add a CalendarView in my application, which uses the Theme.Light theme. The problem is, the days …

android android-widget android-styles android-calendar
How to add calendar events to default calendar, silently without Intent, in android 4?

I want to add calendar events programmatically (directly) in android 4+. Is it this possible to be tested on emulator? I …

java android android-calendar
Split date/time strings

I have a ReST service which downloads information about events in a persons calendar... When it returns the date and …

java android android-calendar
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API?

We are trying to show user the Ice cream Sandwich calendar view, when they want to add a new event. …

android android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich android-calendar
how to show milliseconds in days:hours:min:seconds

This is what I have at the moment Seconds = (60 - timeInMilliSeconds / 1000 % 60); Minutes = (60 - ((timeInMilliSeconds / 1000) / 60) %60); which I feel is correct. for …

java android datetime android-calendar
Add event to CalendarView

I think the question says it all: is it possible to display events in the Android default CalendarView? I know …

android android-calendar calendarview
Custom calendar dayview in android

I want to develop a custom calendar day view for android OS 1.5 and later on. Similar to android day calendar …

android calendar android-calendar
CalendarView Clickable Android

I am trying to start a new activity when you click on a date in CalendarView but my event doesn't …

android android-layout android-intent android-activity android-calendar
Get correct local time in java (Calendar)

I use this method to get local time: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); String time= new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy HH:…

java android-calendar