How to get national holidays of selected country

Tai Dao picture Tai Dao · Sep 25, 2013 · Viewed 27.4k times · Source

I'm writing an app that allows the user to select a country from a list. When they pick a country, a list of national holidays of that country appears.

I've seen CalendarProvider and Google Calendar V3, but they seem to only provide the current user's calendar.

How can I get the national holidays of a specific country? Any suggestion would help me.


I've found this post which can get a list of holidays in JSON format. In this example, the country code is defined by calendar ID, for instance pt_br.brazilian#[email protected] or en.usa#[email protected].

But I can't find any documentation about this. Is it possible to use the API this way? If yes, where can I get those calendar IDs?


Tai Dao picture Tai Dao · Sep 27, 2013

Problem solved by using Google Calendar API V3. The idea I found from this post. The holiday can get from default holiday calendar of google.

The ID list of default holiday calendar can be found here, support to 40 country.

A piece of code that handle permission and get holiday list:- client = null;
        credential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingOAuth2(mContext, CalendarScopes.CALENDAR);
        client = getCalendarService(credential);
        do {
            events ="en.usa#[email protected]").setPageToken(pageToken).execute();
            onHolidayChecked(events.getItems()); //result return here (events.getItems())
            pageToken = events.getNextPageToken();
        } while (pageToken != null);

private getCalendarService(GoogleAccountCredential credential) {
    return new, new GsonFactory(), credential).build();