Use for questions on android.
I wonder if it has any meaning to call super.onPostExecute(result) or super.onPreExecute in Android AsyncTask? I have …
android android-asynctaskSo inside a IntentService, the app maybe active or inactive , onHandleIntent gets called , where I have placed this below code.…
android android-asynctask realm android-threadI have an AsyncTask in which I show a ProgressDialog in the onPreExecute, and hide it again in onPostExecute, something …
android android-asynctask progressdialog cancel-buttonI have a function in my android code which send data to the web service using KSOAP. I am able …
android android-asynctask ksoap2 sslexceptionI have an app that has a ball running across the screen. When the ball is halfway the application records …
java android multithreading android-asynctask ondrawMobile number will be entered in an edittext by user on registration page in my Android application. How can I …
android android-asynctask sms telephony android-broadcastI have a custom adapter which extends ArrayAdapter, it implements the view holder patterns to show data (text + image) from …
android android-listview android-asynctask android-adapter cwac-endlessI am facing below issue in Android O and above when trying to run my JobIntentService, I am having a …
android android-asynctask job-scheduling jobintentservice