Use for questions on android.
I would like to make a ProgressDialog cancelable by the back button but not by a screen tap. Currently I …
android screen android-asynctask progressdialog tapIs it at all possible, from within an AsyncTask that is NOT an inner class of the calling Activity class, …
android android-asynctask outer-classesI am looking for a way to return the response I get in loopJ AsyncHttpClient onFinish or onSuccess or onFailure. …
java android android-asynctask loopj asynchttpclientIve been trying to setup a server using ESP8266 wifi module on a particular port. I'm done with that. I …
android sockets android-asynctask bufferedinputstream esp8266Imagine a typical scenario where an activity opens, needs to call a REST HTTP API to get some content, and …
android android-asynctask intentserviceI currently have an asynctask which downloads a mp3 from a server. When the user starts to download it, a …
android notifications download android-asynctask slowdownI have been trying to get thumbnails to work with an AsyncTask for image files in a ListView. I have …
android listview android-asynctask thumbnails recycleI have an AsyncTask that fetches some data and then updates the UI with this new data. It has been …
android android-asynctask alarmmanagerI use AsyncTask to connect an URLPath as below code. @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(…
android android-asynctask httpurlconnectionI'm reading xml data from a url. It worked well when it was it portrait mode. But I wanted to …
android xml-parsing android-asynctask progressdialog