Top "Android-asynctask" questions

Use for questions on android.

How can I make a ProgressDialog be cancelable by the back button but not by a screen tap?

I would like to make a ProgressDialog cancelable by the back button but not by a screen tap. Currently I …

android screen android-asynctask progressdialog tap
Getting Reference to Calling Activity from AsyncTask (NOT as an inner class)

Is it at all possible, from within an AsyncTask that is NOT an inner class of the calling Activity class, …

android android-asynctask outer-classes
Android - loopJ AsyncHttpClient return response onFinish or onSuccess

I am looking for a way to return the response I get in loopJ AsyncHttpClient onFinish or onSuccess or onFailure. …

java android android-asynctask loopj asynchttpclient
ESP8266 wifi server to android client

Ive been trying to setup a server using ESP8266 wifi module on a particular port. I'm done with that. I …

android sockets android-asynctask bufferedinputstream esp8266
Make a REST API call from an IntentService or an AsyncTask?

Imagine a typical scenario where an activity opens, needs to call a REST HTTP API to get some content, and …

android android-asynctask intentservice
Android- download file + status bar notification slowing down phone

I currently have an asynctask which downloads a mp3 from a server. When the user starts to download it, a …

android notifications download android-asynctask slowdown
Android ListView updating of Image Thumbnails using AsyncTask Causes View recycling

I have been trying to get thumbnails to work with an AsyncTask for image files in a ListView. I have …

android listview android-asynctask thumbnails recycle
onPostExecute not being called in AsyncTask (Handler runtime exception)

I have an AsyncTask that fetches some data and then updates the UI with this new data. It has been …

android android-asynctask alarmmanager
How to stop HttpURLConnection connect on Android

I use AsyncTask to connect an URLPath as below code. @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(…

android android-asynctask httpurlconnection
android.view.WindowLeaked exception

I'm reading xml data from a url. It worked well when it was it portrait mode. But I wanted to …

android xml-parsing android-asynctask progressdialog