Use for questions on android.
With 3.0 we got the fancy LoaderManager, which handles data loading using the AsyncTaskLoader, the CursorLoader, and other custom Loader instances. …
android android-asynctask android-loadermanager android-cursorloaderI noticed that sometimes Async task does not work properly , Actually its doInBackground() method does not get called , this happens …
android multithreading service android-asynctask intentserviceI have the following method to post response to UI using otto and AsyncTask. private static void onGetLatestStoryCollectionSuccess(final StoryCollection …
android android-asynctask rx-java rx-androidI'm working on a UDP program but I'm having trouble with applying setText in my asynctask. Basically on the UDP …
android android-asynctask udp settextI'm running ADT (Android Development Tools) in Eclipse and verified that my debugger is working by putting a breakpoint in …
android eclipse debugging android-asynctask adtI have created IntentService class and performing asyncTask but getting exception when onPreExecute() is called at this code line pDialog.…
android android-asynctask android-service android-intentserviceI've 2 ASyncTasks, one retrieves a value from an httpPost and the other update some elements of the UI (including an …
android multithreading thread-safety android-asynctaskhi im trying to inflate an view(B.xml)(which has spinner in it)from a AsyncTask's onPostExecute() in a …
android dialog android-asynctask spinner layout-inflaterMy app has a login activity and it checks the credentials via an internet website. To do so, I (have …
android interface android-asynctask listener android-eventI've been trying to get this to work for the last week or so and still have no idea what …
android android-asynctask httpurlconnection onstart networkonmainthread