Use for questions on android.
I have been doing some experiments to measure sqlite performance on android. I was disappointed a little bit with the …
android android-asynctask android-sqliteI'm developing a small app that reads in specific html-pages, re-formats them and then shows them in a WebView. If …
android android-asynctaskCan someone tell me the TRUE difference?
java android service handler android-asynctaskI have a question regarding this simple frequently occurring situation in android . We have a main activity , we invoke an …
java android android-asynctask weak-referencesI got slightly confused about the differences between Asynctask, Thread, Service, Loader in Android. I know how it works. But …
android multithreading android-asynctask android-serviceHere's my problem. I'm trying to download file from my server using download manager intent via Asynctask. in my doInBackground …
android android-asynctask download-managerI'm building a gridview that contains alot of images likely around 1000++ pictures. To reduce the loading time for the gridview, …
android gridview android-asynctask onscrollI'm designing an android app which will need to do the following steps: user pushes a button or otherwise indicates …
android android-asynctask background-process android-intentserviceI am creating a app that will update the weather details of the city.The loop will be a List …
android android-asynctask android-inflateI am attempting to use AsyncTask to load a file of determinate length. My AsyncTask looks something like this: protected …
android android-asynctask progressdialog