Use for questions on android.
I did added async library at my project and checked already, I don't know why code flow doesn't go in …
android android-asynctaskI have question which puzzles me. Imagine I wanna do something in another thread, like fetching GPS/Location stuff, which …
android multithreading android-asynctask runnable android-threadingI'm familiar with using AsyncTask in Android: create a subclass, call execute on an instance of the subclass and onPostExecute …
android ios asynchronous android-asynctaskI am having trouble getting the onPostExecute() method to call when running an AsyncTask. When I try to set up …
java android methods overriding android-asynctaskI'm using an ArrayAdapter to add items to a custom ListView and showing the results in my Android app. The …
android listview android-listview android-asynctask android-arrayadapterI have a common class say for eg Class A which extends AsyncTask and has all the methods implemented i.…
android android-asynctaskI've been working with AsyncTasks in Android and I am dealing with an issue. Take a simple example, an Activity …
android multithreading android-asynctask android-contextWhat is the difference between Handler, Runnable, and Threads? While I was working with android, and I need something to …
java android multithreading android-asynctask thread-safetyI have created a custom Loading Progress Dialog. And its working well. I am rotating 12 square Images here is one …
android animation android-asynctask progressdialogQuoting the documentation for AsyncTask found here, it says: AsyncTasks should ideally be used for short operations (a few seconds …
android android-asynctask