Animations can be integrated into Android Apps, through both Java and XML.
I have made the custom dialog following this link and its working perfectly all fine. but then I think to …
android android-animation android-dialog customdialogBackground I am working on an implementation of the "KenBurns effect" (demo here) on the action bar , as shown on …
android animation android-animation image-manipulation android-kenburnsviewI'm working on an app that has two activities, Main and Info. The App is started with the MainActivity and …
android bundle android-animation activity-finishI'm using the support library. Now, I want to have a fragment shifting in from the bottom, moving OVER the …
android-fragments android-animationFirst of all thanks everyone who tries to reply this topic. I have an activity and I wanted to show …
android android-animation window-managers translate-animationI inherited the following component which worked well with former versions of react-native, displaying an opaque scrolling progress bar on …
react-native android-animation react-native-animatableCan I disable the default Snackbar animation in android? If yes then how? Please give me an example. Also, I …
android android-animation android-snackbar snackbarAttempting to animate the Android Ring Shape to produce an effect similiar to the shown sequence of images. I have …
java android android-layout android-animation shapedrawableI have requirement to develop the view which is same like in Tinder App in play store. I have already …
android android-layout android-animation swipeviewI have a lottie animation file and when I put it in a view it becomes too small because of …
android android-animation lottie-android