Top "Shapedrawable" questions

Applying ColorFilter to ImageView with ShapedDrawable

I have an ImageView with android:src set to a ShapedDrawable, namely a white circle. What I want is to …

android drawable android-imageview colorfilter shapedrawable
Android how to create triangle and rectangle shape programmatically?

How can we create ballon drawable shape as below. where we can change the color of it dynamically.

android shapedrawable
Shape Drawable Size not working

I have a very simple shape that I want to set the width of: <shape android:shape="rectangle"> &…

android drawable xml-layout shapedrawable
how to add shadow effect on drawable in android

I have created chat bubble with drawable which looks fine, now I want to add shadow effect below the drawable …

android android-drawable xml-drawable shapedrawable
Drawing programmatically oval shape with border (corner radius) on Android

I`m trying to draw custom ShapeDrawable with OvalShape, filled with white and with grey border. I created a drawable …

android android-drawable shapedrawable
How to create shape with solid, corner, stroke in Java Code?

I have a shape defined in the xml file below, now I want to change to solid color programmatically. <?…

android shapedrawable
Gradient Radius as percentage of screen size

I'm trying to create a shape drawable with radial gradient background, with radius that will adjust to the screen size (…

android android-xml radial-gradients shapedrawable
How to make bottom border in drawable shape XML selector?

I'm trying to create a drawable shape with different states for my button. So I wrote this: <selector xmlns:…

android drawable xml-drawable shapedrawable
Create borders on a android view in drawable xml, on 3 sides?

I want to make a drawable for my Android button, defined as drawable. I found I could set all the …

android styles xml-drawable shapedrawable
Custom (gradient) background of ActionBar Compat

I am using Action Bar Compat so that my action bar with navigation drawer was backward compatible down to API …

android background android-actionbar-compat shapedrawable