Animations can be integrated into Android Apps, through both Java and XML.
So I have an ImageView in my layout and I wanted to slide it to the right or left when …
android position imageview android-animation translate-animationWith the Animator class you can simply call something like the following to play multiple animations simultaneously: AnimatorSet animatorSet = new …
android animation android-animationOk I have a ViewFlipper with three LinearLayouts nested inside it. It defaults to showing the first one. This code: // …
android android-animation viewflipperHow do I pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable?
android android-animation pause animationdrawableI want to programmatically hide / show the TabLayout in my AppBarLayout. Simply setting visibility to VISIBLE and GONE is not …
android android-animation android-tablayout android-support-design android-appbarlayoutI'm doing an animation of bubbles on the screen, but the bubbles stop after finishing the animation time. How do …
android animation android-animation viewpropertyanimatorBackground Facebook app has a nice transition animation between a small image on a post, and an enlarged mode of …
android android-imageview android-animation cropHow can I implement a custom swipe animation instead of the standard horizontal movement? I'm thinking about a mixture of …
android android-layout android-animation android-viewpager android-gestureUpdate: 20/11/13: This is still unresolved. I am trying to animate the creation of a circle in a custom view. I …
android android-animation android-canvas android-view android-handlerCurrently, by using the default animator, here's the outcome I'm having during sorting DefaultItemAnimator animation …
android android-animation android-recyclerview notifydatasetchanged