Top "Activity-finish" questions

How to show a dialog to confirm that the user wishes to exit an Android Activity?

I've been trying to show a "Do you want to exit?" type of dialog when the user attempts to exit …

android android-activity android-dialog activity-finish
How to finish current activity in Android

I have an Android application. I am making a loading screen with a progress bar. I entered a delay in …

android activity-finish
How to close the current fragment by using Button like the back button?

I have try to close the current fragment by using Imagebutton. I am in Fragment-A and it will turn to …

android android-fragments activity-finish
How to check if activity is in foreground or in visible background?

I have a splash screen on a timer. My problem is that before I finish() my activity I need to …

android android-activity dialog activity-finish
Finish all activities at a time

I have an application with multiple pages i.e., multiple activities and some of them remain open. Is there a …

android android-activity activity-finish
How to press back button in android programmatically?

In my app I have a logout functionality. If user clicks logout it goes to home screen. Now I am …

android android-activity activity-finish
Exit/Finish an app/activity - android

I've got 4 activities say Act1, Act2, Act3 and Act4. A button in Act1 opens Act2, a button in Act2 opens …

android android-activity exit activity-finish
Close application and remove from recent apps/

I know this question is common and asked many times on Stack Overflow, but after visiting nearly the four pages …

android activity-finish systemexit
Difference between finish() and System.exit(0)

I'm talking about programming in android. In early days I thought that, finish() closes current activity and go back to …

android activity-finish
Android: Will finish() ALWAYS call onDestroy()?

Simple question: can you be sure that finish() will call onDestroy()? I haven't found any confirmation on this.

java android ondestroy activity-finish