Top "Ajp" questions

The Apache JServ Protocol is an efficient protocol to connect backend web servers to front end web servers.

Apache & Tomcat: ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse

I'am having troubles configuring Apache and Tomcat, this is the scenario: I have an Apache Web Server, running and working …

proxy apache2 tomcat6 reverse-proxy ajp
How can I monitor/log Tomcat's thread pool?

I have a Tomcat installation where I suspect the thread pool may be decreasing over time due to threads not …

java multithreading tomcat pool ajp
What is AJP protocol used for?

Okay, I've read a small article on wiki which explained AJP a bit. Basically this protocol is used for communication …

Springboot -The AJP Connector is configured with secretRequired="true" but the secret attribute is either null or "" after upgrade to 2.2.5

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The AJP Connector is configured with secretRequired="true" but the secret attribute is either null …

spring-boot tomcat9 ajp
ProxyPass, ProxyReverse vs AJP

I currently have a Tomcat + Apache HTTP server setting to serve my Java servlet: ProxyPass /myservice http://localhost:8080/myservice ProxyPassRerverse /…

apache tomcat ajp proxypass
AJP 1.3 Connector listens on port 8009 globally, why and how to turn it off?

I set up a Tomcat 6 with an Apache 2 and mod_proxy. Now I have this default value in my server.…

tomcat mod-proxy ajp
Setting Max HTTP Header Size With AJP / Tomcat 6.0

If you're not using AJP, Tomcat 6.0 Connectors have a nice maxHttpHeaderSize attribute in server.xml. But if you are using …

http tomcat http-headers tomcat6 ajp
mod_jk losing connection to tomcat

I am having an issue with my current production server which has just started over the last couple of days. …

apache tomcat ajp
How to set the AJP packet size in Tomcat?

I've followed the instructions here for setting the maxPacketSize in AJP... AJP connector doc It states in the doc that …

tomcat ajp
Tomcat behind Apache using ajp for Spring Boot application

I've been trying to configure Apache web server with a Spring Boot app that uses embedded Tomcat. Before Spring Boot …

apache tomcat7 spring-boot ubuntu-14.04 ajp