Top "Ajp" questions

The Apache JServ Protocol is an efficient protocol to connect backend web servers to front end web servers.

Apache + Tomcat with mod_jk - Web site hangs

I have a website with apache 1.3(SSL enabled) + mod_jk + tomcat 5.5 on Linux redhad setup. Just recently i started having …

java apache tomcat mod-jk ajp
apache proxy to tomcat keep alive confusion

I have an apache 2.2 server infront of a tomcat 6 server. using mod_proxy_ajp on apache to proxy requests to …

apache tomcat ajp keep-alive
Apache with JBOSS using AJP (mod_jk) giving spikes in thread count

We used Apache with JBOSS for hosting our Application, but we found some issues related to thread handling of mod_…

java multithreading apache jboss ajp
How do ensure that Apache AJP to Tomcat connection is secure/encrypted?

We want to front-end our Tomcat instance with an Apache instance (running on the same machine) that will be serving …

apache tomcat ssl ajp
Forward REMOTE_USER to tomcat via AJP (e.g. for shibboleth)

Today I just got stuck with the following problem: 1. I configured apache for basic authentication (require valid user); which worked. 2. …

apache authentication tomcat ajp shibboleth
Tomcat 8.5.51 - Issues with secretRequired="false"

The secretRequired="false" option added to AJP connector is server.xml. However, the connector does not start with Protocol handler …

tomcat connector ajp tomcat8.5 protocol-handler
Apache 2.2 Virtual hosts + Tomcat 7 applications

I have installed on the same machine one apache server and one tomcat 7 server. The apache server is used and …

apache tomcat tomcat7 virtualhost ajp
Using ProxyPass for pages but not images

As a result of horrible, horrible errors, we've changed how we connect Apache to Tomcat. We were using mod_jk: …

apache proxy mod-jk ajp proxypass
What is the cause and how to fix 503 errors with this in Apache error_log: "Broken pipe: ajp_ilink_send(): send failed"

I'm having intermittent problems with a servlet running on JBoss, with Apache forwarding it all requests via mod_proxy_ajp.…

jboss cxf ajp
WebSockets through Apache and Tomcat: HTTP upgrade is not supported by the AJP protocol

I am developing with WebSockets, and made a working web application running on Tomcat 8. However, when testing with Apache 2 in …

apache tomcat websocket ajp