Top "Ace-editor" questions

Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript.

How to set focus on the ace editor?

I am using the ace editor component from inside a jquery tab interface. Each tab will contain a …

javascript jquery jquery-ui ace-editor
How can I highlight code with ACE editor?

I'd like to syntax highlight more than a dozen small snippets of code and then make them editable with ACE …

javascript syntax-highlighting cloud9-ide ace-editor
How to use the UndoManager to determine if document has unsaved changes

I'm quite new to the ACE editor and javascript in general however I have managed to achieve most of what …

javascript ace-editor
ACE Editor Autocomplete - custom strings

I'm using ACE Editor within a Chrome extension. I'm using ACE's Autocomplete feature but I want to be able to …

javascript google-chrome-extension autocomplete ace-editor
Can Ace Editor support multiple code editors in one page?

I'm looking to implement a web app that features "coding-competition"-styled interface with 2 different code editors in a single screen. …

javascript jquery ace-editor code-editor
How to listen for and react to Ace Editor change events

Can anyone please give an example, of how the on change event works in ACE Editor (…

javascript ace-editor
Making ACE editor resizable

Is there an option to add a handle to the ACE editor window for making the size of the editor …

Determine if JavaScript syntax is valid in change handler of ACE

I'm using the ACE editor for interactive JavaScript editing. When I set the editor to JavaScript mode, ACE automatically determines …

javascript ace-editor
ace editor - use extra themes, customize themes

Is possible to customize ace editor themes in some way or use some extra external themes? I've not found informations …

javascript themes ace-editor
Ace Editor manually adding snippets

TL;DR I am trying to manually trigger ace editor snippets through a function call, rather than the conventional approach (…

javascript code-snippets ace-editor