Top "Code-snippets" questions

For issues relating to the creation, use, and maintenance of code snippets.

How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?

There was a post this morning asking about how many people disable JavaScript. Then I began to wonder what techniques …

javascript html code-snippets
Shortcut to create properties in Visual Studio?

I have seen some people creating properties in C# really fast, but how did they do it? What shortcuts are …

c# visual-studio properties code-snippets shortcut
Choose File Dialog

Does anyone know of a complete choose file dialog? Maybe one where you can filter out all files except for …

android file user-interface dialog code-snippets
Code snippet or shortcut to create a constructor in Visual Studio

What is the code snippet or shortcut for creating a constructor in Visual Studio? Visual Studio 2010 and C#.

c# visual-studio constructor code-snippets shortcut
Reusable library to get human readable version of file size?

There are various snippets on the web that would give you a function to return human readable size from bytes …

python code-snippets filesize
How to determine whether a string is valid JSON?

Does anyone know of a robust (and bullet proof) is_JSON function snippet for PHP? I (obviously) have a situation …

php json validation code-snippets jsonlint
How to add custom code snippets in VSCode?

Is it possible to add custom code snippets in Visual Studio Code? And if so, how? VSCode is based on …

code-snippets visual-studio-code
Storing code snippets in eclipse

I'm a recent semi-convert to Eclipse after 20 years of using vi and gvim. One of the things I miss about …

eclipse code-snippets
Code snippets for methods in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio I can type e.g. for TAB TAB and a code snippet pops in. Are there built-in …

visual-studio code-snippets
How to use the "sysout" snippet in Eclipse with selected text?

I am aware of the Eclipse snippet "sysout" which is neatly replaced with System.out.println(); when tab-completed. This is …

java eclipse code-snippets