Top "Ace-editor" questions

Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript.

Ace Editor - Go to line

I'm trying a fairly simple operation with Ace Editor: having the editor jump to a particular line. I can't get …

javascript ace-editor
How can I highlight multiple lines with Ace?

The old method mentioned in similar questions here is the following: var editor = ace.edit("editor"); var Range = ace.require(…

javascript syntax-highlighting cloud9-ide ace-editor
Ace editor - insert text at position

I'm working on a real-time collaborative editor within Ace editor, and I couldn't find any docs on inserting text at …

How to require 'ace-builds/ace' with Webpack and noParse option

I'm currently trying to require ace-builds (installed from bower) with webpack. Since it's a huge lib, I'm adding the whole …

javascript ace-editor webpack