Top "Code-editor" questions

How to collapse blocks of code in Eclipse?

Some days ago my Eclipse was working fine and a +/- appeared in every block that could be collapsed (functions, …

eclipse code-editor
How to remove tab indent from several lines in IDLE?

If you want to indent several lines in Python IDLE you just mark the lines and hit Tab. But what …

indentation python-idle code-editor
Why does the Visual Studio editor show dots in blank spaces?

I have a strange bug in the Visual Studio text editor. All my blank spaces are replaced by a "." public …

visual-studio formatting whitespace code-editor
Collapse all #regions only(!) in C# (Visual Studio)

There's a number of keyboard shortcuts and menu commands to automatically expand or collapse all foldables in the current document. …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-2015 code-editor
Free/open source code editor UI control for .Net

I'm looking for a free, syntax-highlighting, possibly autocompleting "Programmer's textbox" style control for use in a Visual Studio Windows Forms …

c# visual-studio winforms syntax-highlighting code-editor
Visual studio code comment in HTML files

I am trying Visual Studio Code lately and i've noticed that when i try to add a line comment in …

html comments visual-studio-code key-bindings code-editor
How to enable VS Code HTML error checking / validation?

I have just switched to Visual Studio Code for web development from Netbeans and am finding my way around. In …

javascript html css visual-studio-code code-editor
How can I prevent the "You have mixed tabs and spaces. Fix this?" message?

Any time I paste code into my .cs file, I get the dreaded "You have mixed tabs and spaces. Fix …

visual-studio-2013 code-editor
How do I auto-indent Python code in Visual Studio Code?

I'm using Visual Studio Code (not Visual Studio) on Linux and I can't seem to find out how to turn …

visual-studio-code code-editor
Visual Studio Code transparent window?

A have a small resolution on my PC so it's not very convenient to work in several tabs at the …

text-editor visual-studio-code code-editor