Top "3d" questions

3D computer graphics are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images.

SceneKit – Rotate and animate a SCNNode

I'm trying to display a pyramid that points following the z axis and then rotates on itself around z too. …

swift animation 3d scenekit
ImportError: No module named visual

I am trying to run this Python Program on Ubuntu but I am getting an error that says ImportError: No …

python 3d importerror vpython
Conversion euler to matrix and matrix to euler

I'm trying to convert a 3D rotation described in term of euler angles into a matrix and then back, using .…

c# math matrix 3d euler-angles
Check which side of a plane points are on

I'm trying to take an array of 3D points and a plane and divide the points up into 2 arrays based …

math 3d pseudocode
What's the best alternative to C++ for real-time graphics programming?

C++ just sucks too much of my time by making me micro-manage my own memory, making me type far too …

c++ graphics 3d real-time
Find the normal angle of the face of a triangle in 3D, given the co-ordinates of its vertices

As you may be able to tell from this screenshot, I am trying to make a physics engine for a …

math 3d geometry trigonometry
Rotate interactively a 3D plot in python - matplotlib - Jupyter Notebook

I was wondering how it is possible to interactively rotate a 3D plot as described in this video (if you …

python matplotlib 3d jupyter-notebook interactive
Converting a direction vector to a quaternion rotation

I can find a ton of questions about turning a quaternion into a direction vector but none for the other …

vector 3d quaternions
I want to make a simple 3D game using openGL, where should I start?

I find that I learn best by example. Is there a good website or codebase that shows how event handling, …

opengl 3d modeling
Image manipulation and texture mapping using HTML5 Canvas?

In a 3D engine I'm working on I've succesfully managed to draw a cube in 3D. The only method to …

javascript html 3d texture-mapping html5-canvas