Top "Zend-framework2" questions

Zend Framework 2 is a PHP 5.3+ 5.4 (for Zend Framework 2.4+) or 5.5+ (for Zend Framework 2.5.0+) MVC framework and component library.

ZF2: How to pass parameters to forward plugin which I can then get in the method I forward them to?

I have an Action method in Foo Controller which requires parameters: public function fooAction($one, $two) { $a = one; $b = $two; } …

php zend-framework2 zend-framework-mvc zend-framework-routing
Zend FrameWork 2 Get ServiceLocator In Form and populate a drop down list

I need to get the adapter from the form, but still could not. In my controller I can recover the …

$form->isValid says it is invalid, but my form does not show any error message - Zend Framework 2

Im having a problem with the addAction in my CRUD application. On the controller the logic does not pass the $…

forms zend-framework2 zend-inputfilter
zf2 Creation of simple service and access it through viewhelper

I am trying to create a simple service in zf2 which I can access using in viewhelper Step1. I have …

php zend-framework2 view-helpers
zf2 form: populate select field with data coming from database

I'm learning zf2 and I'm facing a problem involving 2 (eventually more) modules working together. Note, I've carefully read this post (…

php zend-framework2 zend-form zend-db-table
Unable to render template zf2

I have created new module called 'currency' and configured routes in module.config. It is working fine. After that I …

php zend-framework2 zend-route
zf2 \Zend\Db\Sql\Sql using predicate in where condition

i really don't get the point how to use predicates in zend framework 2. this is what i got: $sql->…

php zend-db zend-framework2
How to run cron job with zend framework 2

I have application built in Zend Framework 2. I would like to set cron job for updating my products. I know …

php cron zend-framework2
Zend 2 - TableGateway Where Clauses

Hi I am trying to get to grips with Zend 2 and I'm having some problems with where clauses in the …

zend-framework2 tablegateway