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Zend Framework 2 Sql Select with OR and AND
I want to make this query using Zend\Db\Sql\Select:
SELECT table1.* FROM table1
INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.columnA = table2.columnB
INNER JOIN table3 ON table1.columnC = table3.columnD
WHERE (table2.column2 = 2 or table3.column3 = 3) and table1.column1 = 1
like in where query in zend framework 2
I am using the Zend framework 2.x and facing the problem as I have search a lot.
I want to use the like clause in query but each time gives the errors:
Here is my efforts:
$sql = new Sql($this-&…
zf2 \Zend\Db\Sql\Sql using predicate in where condition
i really don't get the point how to use predicates in zend framework 2.
this is what i got:
,'minValue' => new Expression('min(ValueColumn)')))