Top "Zend-framework2" questions

Zend Framework 2 is a PHP 5.3+ 5.4 (for Zend Framework 2.4+) or 5.5+ (for Zend Framework 2.5.0+) MVC framework and component library.

Empty values passed to Zend framework 2 validators

How can I pass an empty value through Zend framework 2 ValidatorChain to my custom validator? It was possible on ZF1 …

php validation zend-framework2 input-filter
Zend Framework 2: Auto disable layout for ajax calls

An AJAX request to one of my controller actions currently returns the full page HTML. I only want it to …

php ajax zend-framework2
Is it possible to forward data to another controller/action in Zend 2?

I think a common problem is trying to forward (post) data to another page. Normally, I'd resort to sessions to …

redirect zend-framework2 forward
Creating HTML E-mails in Zend Framework 2 with Zend_Mail + Zend_Mime

Zend framework changed the Zend_Mail object so it no longer has the setBodyHtml() method to create HTML e-mails. Does …

php zend-framework2 html-email zend-mail
Zend Framework 2 - Form Element Decorators

I want to force the Zend form into Twitter Bootstrap style. I currently iterate through the form fields and write …

php zend-form decorator zend-framework2 zend-form-element
like in where query in zend framework 2

I am using the Zend framework 2.x and facing the problem as I have search a lot. I want to …

php zend-framework2 zend-db
Doctrine 2 Entities Relations Remove

I have an owning entity that has the following relation to an "attribute" entity: /** * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Attribute", mappedBy="entity", …

php doctrine-orm zend-framework2
Zend framework 2 recommended way for error handling

I noticed that the Skeleton Application that Zend provides does not handle error 500. I know that in ZF1 there was …

php zend-framework error-handling zend-framework2
composer error while updating ".git directory is missing"

When I Updating zf-commons/zfc-admin using composer, it gives an RuntimeException error saying that [RuntimeException] The .git directory is missing …

git zend-framework zend-framework2 composer-php
ZF2 Optimize for high traffic

My ZF2 application seems to be extremely slow when more than 3 users are using it at the same time. I …

performance optimization zend-framework2